首页> 中文期刊>风景园林 >生物友好与自然教育美国圣地亚哥动物园规划设计研究




2016年是美国圣地亚哥动物园建园100周年。该园集城市动物园、野生动物园和研究机构于一体,其动物展示与保护模式引领着世界范围动物园的发展。论文梳理评述美国圣地亚哥动物园的百年发展历程,按时间顺序和主要特征将其划分为笼舍陈列、沉浸观览、生境营造3个时期。并剖析该园当前所处生境营造时期的规划布局理念,阐释各生境的主题、特征及动植物物种配置,并揭示园内参观流线组织和互动性设计。总结圣地亚哥动物园的3个主要发展理念,即生物友好、自然教育和保护使命,以期为我国动物园的规划设计提供参考。%2016 is the 100th anniversary year of San Diego Zoo, USA. Integrating a city zoo, a wild safari and research institutes, the Zoo guides worldwide zoological development particularly in animal exhibition and conservation pattern. The paper examines the 100-year development process of the San Diego Zoo, and divides them into three periods chronological y according to main characteristics, namely the first period of cage display, the second period of immersion exhibition, and the third period of habitat organization. The research analyses the main concepts in planning and layout during the current period of habitat organization, and elucidates the individual habitat themes, characteristics and the arrangements of wildlife species. It reveals the organization of visiting lines and interactive design. The paper summarizes three main development ideas of the San Diego Zoo, i.e., biophilic, natural education and conversation mission. It intends to provide the references for the planning and design of zoos in China.



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