首页> 中文期刊>云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >从刘宗周到黄宗羲--明末清初浙东学术的传衍及其对学术思想史的影响




With the rise of Zhuism in the early Qing dynasty,Wang Yangming School went into a de-cline,but the Eastern Zhejiang School which had a close connection with Wang Yangming School sur-vived fairly long,whose reasons deserve further studies.Liu Zongzhou followed the Confucian ortho-doxy,and proposed his own self-disciplined doctrine.However,after he died,there was a crisis of in-heritance.Huang Zongxi as one of his disciples inherited the Confucian orthodoxy,and adhered to his teacher's ideals.This process of inheritance from Liu Zongzhou to Huang Zongxi reflected the ideal of reconstructing the Confucian orthodoxy which was the basis for the social and academic interaction a-mong the scholars in the late Ming dynasty and the early Qing dynasty,and the internal motive for their academic inheritance.Thus,the academic inheritance of the Eastern Zhejiang School was an aca-demic reflection of the ideological reconstruction in the transitional period and exerted much influence on the development of Chinese intellectual history.%受到清初“尊朱斥王”学风的影响,王学各派都已渐渐衰息,但与王学渊源甚深的浙东学术却传衍较长,其中原因值得探讨。刘宗周通过追溯道统,提出了自成体系的慎独学说。然而卒后其学说却面临一场传承危机。黄宗羲以阐承道统为己任,适时据守、宣扬师说,借以实现其“为天地保元气”的社会理想。浙东学术从刘宗周到黄宗羲的传衍过程,始终蕴含着重建道统的理想。“道统”成为沟通明末清初浙东学人思想、学术与社会间互动的基础,是浙东学术得以一脉相传的内在动力。浙东学术在明末清初的传衍问题,实质上是明末清初社会变革中的思想重建任务在学术上的反映,对明清之际学术思想史的发展影响至深。



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