首页> 中文期刊>新疆大学学报(哲学·人文社会科学版) >图像霸权的审美祛魅—论现代视觉文本的范式构建与互文表征




As the two main expressions in the human world, language and image maintain a dynamic process. The image expression leads the relationship between language and image to tension in the modern visual art, which causes the graphical supremacy, with the deep departmentalism of language behind it. However, the lack of the single expression pattern in the modern visual text promotes the integration of lan-guage narrative and image narrative. The normal mechanism of cross-contextual expression, the expanding indication scope, the strengthening dynamic image expression and evolution the aesthetic cognitive schema in the modern visual text repositions the relationship between language and image, which breeds a profound rational thinking.%语言与图像的关系呈现出一种动态的衍化进程.现代视觉艺术中图像主导的表意路径将语言与图像的关系导向紧张,其引发的"图像霸权"论背后杂糅着深刻的语言本位主义思维.然而,现代视觉文本单一表意模式的不足推动了语言与图像叙事体例的弥合与一体化,现代视觉文本跨语境表意的常态机制、指涉范围的扩展、图像表意动态性的加强以及审美认知图式的嬗变无疑为现代视觉艺术中语图关系的重新定位提供了更为深刻的理性思考.



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