首页> 中文期刊> 《武陵学刊》 >“战国策”派与儒家思想的三重对话




“战国策”派在其主办的《战国策》半月刊和《战国》副刊中与儒家思想展开了三重对话。第一重对话是应和式的充实性对话,即“战国策”派赞同或至少不否定儒家思想,并对儒家思想进行结合实际的申说;第二重对话是反叛式的时代性对话,即“战国策”派从其特定的时代特征出发,完全地否定儒家思想;第三重对话是借鉴式的开放性对话,即“战国策”派跳出中国、放眼西方,以尼采的意志哲学鉴照儒家思想。这三重对话着眼于改造民族精神以应对抗战的迫切需求,最终表现出“战国策”派强烈的爱国主义思想。%There were three dialogues between the "Zhan Guo Ce" School and the Confucian ideology in the semimonthly of "Zhan Guo Ce" and the supplement of "Zhan Guo" published by the "Zhan Guo Ce" School. In the first dialogue, the "Zhan Guo Ce" School agreed with or at least did not negate the Confucian ideology, and discussed the Confucian ideology with the actual situation. In the second dialogue, the "Zhan Guo Ce" School completely negat- ed the Confucian ideology. In the third dialogue, the "Zhan Guo Ce" School looked towards the west, and criticized the Confucian ideology with Nietzsche' s philosophy Of the will. These dialogues aimed to transform the national spirit for the war of resistance against Japan, showing the "Zhan Guo Ce" School' s strong patriotism.



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