首页> 中文期刊> 《渭南师范学院学报》 >英美文学多模态教学模式的构建与实践




全球经济一体化和国内市场经济的大环境严重影响着在校大学生的思维方式,致使他们抵触和排斥一些人文社会科学方面的课程,表现在英语专业方面,学生普遍重视专业技能课,将专业知识课边缘化,英美文学属于后者.为了有效改变该课程的教学现状,基于建构主义学习理论和多模态话语分析理论,讨论通过刺激学生的多种感官,构建和实践多模态教学模式,鼓励和调动学生多模态参与教学,多维度解读文学作品,以期提高学生的综合素质.%The global economic integration and the domestic market economy have made a great influence on the college students' thinking model.They dislike and reject some courses on humanities and social sciences.Generally students in English major pay much attention to the professional skill courses, and neglect the professional knowledge courses, such as English and American Literature.In order to change the current situation of the literature, based on the Constructivism Learning Theory and the multimodal discourse analysis, the paper discusses how to build and practice the multimodal teaching by stimulating students' different senses, how to encourage students and arouse their enthusiasm to participate in the whole teaching process, and how to guide students to understand the literary works in different levels.Gradually students could improve their comprehensive abilities.



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