首页> 中文期刊>渭南师范学院学报 >生死关口的道义和智慧——论《史记》中士君子的人格风范




The most difficult thing in one's life is to make a choice in a life-or-death situation.For those people who dominate the historical process could either choose to be crowned with eternal glory or be condemned by posterity.Sima Qian describes many gentlemen and scholars in his Historical Records who sacrifice their lives for the sake of righteousness in life-or-death moment when they could not choose morality and life both.Their choice under concentration of power not only embodies their personality and style, but also reflects their great wisdom of keeping themselves intact.At the same time Sima Qian shows us the principles and styles of those gentlemen and scholars through his methods, which provides good models to study for us.%人生最困难的莫过于生死抉择,对于主宰历史进程的人来说,要么青史流芳,要么遗臭万年,这是关乎名节的大问题,司马迁在《史记》中描写了一系列当道义和生命不能两全时义重于生、舍生取义的士君子,他们在集权压制下的人生抉择,既体现了士君子的人格见范,又体现了善于自全的人生智慧.同时,司马迁通过他们的相与之道,展示了士君子为人处世的准则和风范.



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