首页> 中文期刊> 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 >大城市交通拥堵——“交通7+1论坛”第二十四次会议纪实




自1908年小汽车被大规模生产以来,交通拥堵成为困扰国际大城市发展的共同难题.论坛以“大城市交通拥堵”为主题,分析了引起城市交通拥堵的深层次原因,以及交通拥堵和城市规划及发展的关系,对当前治理城市交通拥堵的对策进行了反思,指出了目前在解决交通拥堵问题中存在的一些认识误区,研究了相关治堵的措施.以北京市为例,分析了北京市交通指数与交通运行分析平台对交通决策的支持作用,探讨了治理大城市交通拥堵的核心问题.%Since the automobiles' large-scale production in 1908, traffic congestion has become an increasingly serious and widely existed problem in large cities around the world. The 24th conference of "Traffic and Transportation Forum 7 + 1" focuses on the issue of "traffic congestion in large cities". It explores the fundamental reasons behind traffic congestion and analyzes its relationship with city planning. The current measures on traffic congestion control are evaluated and the mistaken or immature views are pointed out and analyzed. And then, relevant suggestions for traffic congestion control are discussed. With the practice of Beijing, the conference presents the transport policy support from TP1 and traffic performance analysis system, and investigates the core of traffic congestion control in large cities.



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