首页> 中文期刊>交通运输系统工程与信息 >城市出租汽车客运服务质量感知差距分析——以杭州市为例




将Parasuranman、Zeithaml和Berry(PZB)服务质量差距模型扩展后用于分析出租汽车客运企业管理人员、驾驶员和乘客之间的服务质量感知差距,以杭州市为例进行出租汽车客运服务质量调查,发现驾驶员的服务感知值最高、企业管理人员次之、乘客最低.驾驶员与乘客的感知差距超过企业管理人员与驾驶员的感知差距,且两个差距均与总体服务质量评价显著负相关;企业管理人员与乘客间的感知差距部分显著,且感知差距与总体服务质量评价结果的负相关性不显著.结果表明,出租汽车客运服务人员的服务质量评价过于乐观,改善出租汽车客运服务质量要缩小驾驶员与乘客的服务感知差距.%Three gaps of taxi service quality are added to the Gaps model proposed by Parasuranman, Zeithaml and Berry. The perception gaps of taxi service quality among management staff, driver and passenger are analyzed based on a survey in Hangzhou, China. The most perception scales of drivers are higher than those of management staff and passenger indicate that the service provider always overestimates the service quality. The gaps between drivers and passengers are larger than that between drivers and management staff, and two kinds of gaps have significantly negative impacts on the overall taxi service quality. The gaps between management staff and passengers have partly significant difference and its negative impacts on the overall taxi service quality are not significant. The result indicates that the service provider always overestimates the service quality and gaps between drivers and passengers should be eliminated to improve taxi service quality.



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