首页> 中文期刊> 《交通运输工程与信息学报》 >两相位T型交叉口人行横道设置对通行效率的影响研究




两相位信号控制T型交叉口是城市常见交叉口.目前该类交叉口通常设有三条人行横道,其设计缺少对车流及行人流状况的具体考虑.在两相位T型交叉口,主路过街行人与支路机动车共用一个信号相位,在通行相位时,行人流与左转机动车流产生冲突,相互干扰,降低通行效率.本文以延误作为交叉口通行效率的评价指标,分析冲突人行横道设置前后,主路过街行人和支路左转机动车的延误大小,并得到该人行横道取消设置的临界条件.本文研究可为城市T型交叉口的规划、设计等提供参考.%A T-intersection of two phases is a common intersection type.This type of intersection has three crosswalks,designing without considering traffic flow and pedestrian flow.In the intersection,the main road pedestrians and left-turning vehicles share the same phase,and during the time of the phase,the pedestrian flow and the left-turning vehicle flow conflict on the crosswalk,which results in interferences,reduces the traffic efficiency.Passengers' delay is an important index to evaluate traffic efficiency of a intersection.According to the results before and after setting the crosswalks,the paper established a model to calculate the per capita delay.Then through comparison and analysis,the critical condition about setting a crosswalk was get.This research provides a reference for planning and designing of a T-intersection.



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