首页> 中文期刊>天津电大学报 >开放大学专业建设和学科建设的必要性与紧迫性﹡




电大改革只有抓住专业建设和学科建设这根主线,才能够培养专业教师团队,提升教学质量,“办好开放大学”。省电大应瞄准开放大学建设目标,在“十二五”期间建成本科专业的基本发展构架,形成自主开办本科专业的能力,在此基础上经过巩固提高,力争在“十三五”期间建成一些研究生层次的专业。这样,省电大将成为办学层次基本完备、具有开展完整的学历教育能力的真正意义上的大学,获得自我生长的、可持续发展的能力,更好地为全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会提供高质量的教育服务。%Only when the reform of Radio and TV University would be able to grasp the main line of building specialty and discipline, it could bring up specialty teacher team, increase teaching quality,“run Open University well”. The provincial Radio and TV University should aim at building Open University, to bring to basic development truss of undergraduate specialty in“the twelfth 5 year plan”, form the power to launch undergraduate specialty. On this base, by conforming and improving, they try hard to build specialty arrangement for graduate students. Thus, the provincial Radio and TV Universities will be a university in word and deed, with running a school in manifold levels and being capable of implementing whole educational background.With obtaining the ability to grow by themselves and continuance, they will offer high quality educational service for civil and for life learning society.



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