首页> 中文期刊>茶叶科学 >浙江省主栽茶树品种工艺白茶的滋味成分研究




Six tea cultivars in Zhejiang Province including Zhenong 113, Chunyu 1, Chunyu 2,Yingshuang, Jiukeng and Anjibaicha were utilized to process traditional white tea. The dynamic changes of main flavor components during withering were tracked. Sensory evaluation, quantitative descriptive and chemical analysis were applied to make comparison of each cultivars using Fudingdahao as a control. The results showed that the content of polyphenols and catechins decreased, and amino acid increased during withering process. Fudingdahao showed the strongest taste of umami, bitterness and astringency. While Anjibaicha exhibited the highest sweetness. Zhenong 113, Chunyu 1 and Chunyu 2 presented good quality and high preferences according to sensory evaluation. Taste compounds had significant variations among cultivars. Catechins and ester catechins were significantly and positively correlated with bitterness and astringency but significantly and negatively correlated with sweetness. Amino acids were significantly and positively correlated with umami. Based on the compositions of taste compounds and sensory evaluation, we suggest that Chunyu 1 can be processed into traditional white tea, while Zhenong 113 and Chunyu 2 can be used to develop characteristic products.%采摘浙农113、春雨1号、春雨2号、迎霜、鸠坑和安吉白茶6个浙江省主栽品种茶树鲜叶,按传统工艺加工白茶,跟踪测定加工过程中茶叶主要滋味成分的动态变化规律,以福鼎大毫茶品种为对照,对所得产品进行感官审评与理化分析。结果表明,萎凋过程中茶多酚与儿茶素含量降低,氨基酸含量升高。福鼎大毫茶的鲜度、苦度、涩度均为最强,安吉白茶甜度最强。浙农113、春雨1号、春雨2号感官审评综合品质最优,且喜好度最高。不同品种白茶间滋味成分含量差异显著,酯型儿茶素与白茶的苦度、涩度呈极显著正相关,与甜度呈显著负相关,鲜味氨基酸与鲜度呈显著正相关。综合感官审评与滋味品质成分,春雨1号与传统白茶风格最为接近,浙农113与春雨2号可以用于开发浙江白茶新产品。



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