首页> 中文期刊> 《太原师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 >人生智慧、苦难与忏悔——评武高寿先生《境界与智慧》




Suffering,or being in distress,is an unrestrained impulse of human being in their searching for truth.Suffering,therefore,bears positive meaning.Wisdom is an insight or understanding into suffering,is also a special concern of all kinds of human suffering.The wise men have their noble sufferings.Buddhism is the one and only way of getting rid of sufferings,which is therefore a good teacher.Prof.Wu Gaoshou investigates Buddhism and Christianity comparatively.His emphases are on the elevating of spiritual realm,promoting social harmony,encouraging social criticism,actuating the dialogue between religions and civilizations,practicing legality and democracy.He opened up a new realm of Buddhist research.The religious harmony is not confined to humankind,but extends to all lives on earth.Buddhism prays for all peoples and for all individuals.Buddha awes all lives,saves other living creatures,opposes massacre,and promotes the coexisting of different races.The Buddhism study by Prof.Wu Gaoshou is mainly on social lives and the world peace.He started his social criticism from the point of transcendence.According to hermeneutics,interpretation is also a producing process,not only returning back to originally objective codes.%痛苦是人类求索真理时的不可遏止的冲动,苦难因而承载了非常积极的意义。智慧是对于苦难的洞见彻悟,是对于人世种种苦痛格外关切,智者有高贵的痛苦。佛教是摆脱痛苦的独特而伟大的不二法门,以苦为师,通过每个人自己的修炼达到"心无挂碍"的境界和对苦的解脱。真正的宗教精神自觉到单靠自己去除苦罪的能力毕竟有限,从而发生忏悔心,化出悲悯心,以接受超越的精神力量,便去从事道德文化践履,忏悔是精神超越的条件。"忏悔"来自佛教和基督教,中国文化阙如。武高寿先生在《境界与智慧》一书中,把佛教和基督教联系起来考察,把佛教放在世界文明格局中考辨,从提升境界、促进社会和谐、发扬社会批评、推动宗教与文明对话、厉行法制、倡导社会排忧解难等角度,从超越角度介入社会批判,开拓了研究新领域,首倡作为人学的"文化佛学",关注民生,立足现实,追求超越,是一种关注现实社会人生、世界和平的智慧思想。



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