首页> 中文期刊> 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 >形式美的移植和古诗英译的审美再现




Chinese classical Poetry is the combination of form and content;and the content and meaning of a poem can not be separated from its form. Thus the special formal constituents of classical poetry nee-ded to be transplanted into target language, so that the form beauty of the original poetry can be recreated into target language, and its special style and aesthetic value can be truly achieved in the translated ver-sion. Form, therefore, should be given proper attention in the translation in order to convey its aesthetic meaning. Through the transplanting of form and representation of its aesthetic meaning, the cultural value of poetry translation is achieved.%中国古典诗歌的形式和内容是不可分割的,古诗的内涵和意蕴无法脱离古诗的形式而存在。古诗英译时,只有将中国古典诗歌形式特征移植到英语文本中,才能在译文中再现中国古典诗歌所独有的形式之美,才能在译文中真正体现中国古典诗歌的风格特征和审美意蕴。因此,在古诗的译介中,译者应该充分关注古诗的形式,尽力移植古诗形式特征,并传达这些形式特征所蕴含的美学意义,从而实现古诗对外传播的文化价值。



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