首页> 中文期刊> 《固体火箭技术》 >喷水对车载垂直发射导弹燃气流降温效果研究




双面导流器将车载垂直发射导弹在发射过程中产生的燃气射流大部分排导到发射车尾部或两侧,但仍有部分高温燃气流冲击到发射车底盘处,对发射车轮胎及车底安装的线缆等设备造成严重的烧蚀. 为实现热防护,本文提出对尾焰流场喷水降温措施,通过在发射车底盘安装喷水管,利用液态水的汽化吸热原理对燃气流降温,同时利用喷水射流的冲击作用使燃气流冲击距离减小,实现对发射车轮胎及发射装备的保护,计算结果表明降温效果明显. 同时,为研究喷水流速与降温效果之间的关系,利用耦合Mixture多相流模型与组分输运模型建立液态水汽化模型,对不同喷水流速下降温过程进行数值计算,得出喷水流速与降温效果之间的变化规律以及最优化设计指标,为发射车降温装置设计提供参考.%The double-faced deflector is designed for vertical launch system with which the jet flow can be drained to the both sides and the rear region. However, there is still a small part of high temperature flow seriously inpacting on the bottom of the vehi-cle where the communication cable and the rubber tire are mounted. In order to achieve the purpose of thermal protection, a new water-cooling system is designed, which is fixed on the chassis with water-injection pipe. This design is based on the endothermic gasification principle to reduce the energy of jet flow;besides, the impulse of water flow can also be used to cut off the gas flow to reduce the high temperature region. The result shows the thermal protection is effective. What's more, the corresponding relation ship between water velocity and the cooling effect is studied through the numerical calculation in which the coupling of mixture mul-tiphase model and species transport model are used. The optimized design can also be regarded as a theoretical reference for engi-neering application.



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