首页> 中文期刊>丝绸 >淳安蚕丝文化对千岛湖旅游业发展的影响研究




浙江淳安县蚕桑丝绸业历史久远,蚕丝文化底蕴深厚.通过阐述分析了淳安蚕丝产业的优势,并对开发淳安蚕业与发展千岛湖旅游业融合的旅游资源、市场环境和区位条件等情况进行了可行性分析.提出将发展蚕桑业产业与发展旅游业有机结合,将蚕桑文化嫁接到千岛湖旅游业,开发蚕丝展示馆、蚕丝文化乡村游、蚕丝文化特色街等模式,从而使蚕丝文化紧密地融合于千岛湖旅游业,丰富了千岛湖旅游的文化内涵,达到既促进蚕丝产业的发展,又丰富旅游的文化内涵的目的,必将推动淳安县蚕丝产业和千岛湖旅游业相互促进,更好更快地发展.%The mulberry silk industry in Chun'an,Zhejiang has a long history and profound silk culture.This paper conducts a feasibility analysis on the development of tourism resources,marketing environment and location condition in Chun'an sericulture and Qiandao Lake tourist industry through the analysis on advantages of Chun'an silk industry;puts forward the organic combination of the development of sericulture and tourism,grafting of silk culture into Qiandao Lake tourist industry and development of silk show room,silk culture country tour and silk culture special street,thus closely integrating silk culture with Qiandao Lake tourist industry and enriching the cultural connotation of Qiandao Lake tourism,promoting the development of silk industry,enriching the cultural connotation of tourism and promoting the interaction and better and faster development of Chun'an silk industry and Qiandao Lake tourist industry.



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