首页> 中文期刊> 《沈阳工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 >合理念下的高校全员育人工作模式探析与机制构建




Under the background that the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China high-ly emphasized morality education,the combination and two promotions of instructor and headmaster has been a new point to improve the quality of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.It is the meaning of higher education reform,the extension of whole staff education idea in new period and the need to solve the current problems of ideological and political education.The analysis of the working mode of the two combinations and two promotions of instructor and headmaster is aimed at creating a new mechanism for whole staff education.It will help to solve the two skin phenomena of teaching and educating,professional and ideo-logical education in Colleges and Universities.It′s also advantageous to promote the formait on of thea tmos-phere of the whole staff,the whole position and the whole process education and the quality of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.%党的十八大特别强调要“立德树人”,在此背景下,辅导员、班主任“两结合,两促进”成为高校思想政治教育质量提升的新抓手,它是高等教育改革的题中之义,是新时期“三全育人”理念的延伸,也是解决当前思想政治教育中所存在问题的有效途径。通过对辅导员、班主任“两结合,两促进”工作模式的探析,旨在通过一种“合”的理念打造全员育人新机制,解决高校存在的教书与育人、专业与思想教育两张皮现象,积极推动全员、全方位和全过程育人氛围的形成,促进高校思想政治教育质量提升。



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