首页> 中文期刊> 《山西青年管理干部学院学报》 >批判性思维教学的培养模式及其对外语教学改革的借鉴和启示




The application of critical thinking in language teaching helps to cultivate talents' qualities in general, showing the significance of the teaching mode based on critical thinking in foreign language teaching. In contents, the teaching mode is focused on methodology, collection and research on original materials. In teaching methods, the teaching mode is focused on interactions in class as well as students' central position. In assessments, the teaching mode is focused on various testing modes. Currently, the teaching based on critical thinking applied on foreign language teaching shows some disadvantages, including, dull content, stiff method, old assessment system, etc. The teaching mode based on critical thinking is of some implications to reforming foreign language teaching, including, focusing on developing students' critical thinking, innovating new teaching methods based on critical thinking, and focusing on assessment based on critical thinking.%在语言教学中运用批判性思维有助于培养人才的整体素质,因此,批判性思维教学对外语教学具有重大意义.批判性思维教学模式在教学内容上更注重方法论及原始资料的搜集和研究;在授课方式上更重视课堂上的互动和学生的中心地位;在考核评估中多采用灵活多样的方式.目前,外语批判性思维教学存在教学内容单调、教学方式僵化、教学评价体系陈旧等问题.批判性思维教学对外语教学改革具有一些启示:重注培养学生的批判性思维,创新批判性思维教学方式,注重批判性思维评估.



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