首页> 中文期刊>山西师大学报(社会科学版) >勿赂·国之患果不在费·赂以制胜:三苏《六国论》探赜




三苏均著有《六国论》.苏洵论六国之文"末影宋事"已为公论, 苏洵否定北宋岁币和议, 视为国之大患;苏轼认为"国之患果不在费";苏辙主张赂以制胜:三人对北宋外交政策见解有别, 对"赂敌"的诠释和取舍不同.三苏《六国论》分别对焦"岁币""任法而不任人""天下之势", 切入点均与时政相关.苏轼、苏辙《六国论》并不因循乃父论点, 两篇文章只字不提"赂秦", 其论述六国存灭之道与苏洵有较大分别.但就针砭时弊的述史策略看, 三篇文章笔法并无二致, 反映二苏沿袭了苏洵史论文家法.%In the three essays written by the three Su father and sons, all titled"On the Six Fallen States", Su Xun repudiates Northern Song's policy of bribing neighbouring states;Su Shi holds the belief that bribery had not scourged the country;Su Zhe considers bribery as a strategy for victory.Their essays differ in opinions towards Northern Song's diplomatic policies, and in how they interpret, accept and reject"bribery of enemies".Besides, based on the political situation of their era, their essays focus respectively on discussing the policy of"offering annual gifts", "the preference for rule of law over rule of man"and"the general trend of all-under-heaven (tianxia) ".The arguments raised and the discussions posed in Su Shi's and Su Zhe's essays differ widely from their father's.



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