首页> 中文期刊>上饶师范学院学报 >论人性与自然的关系逻辑--基于马克思关于人与自然关系和罗尔斯顿关于自然价值的理论考察




As part of the nature, humanity originates from the nature and is produced in the natural ecoGsystem.The philosophy of the unity of heaven and mankind, “macrocosm” and “microcosm” forms the ideological foundation of the relation between man and nature.Marx’s assertion of the natural dimension of humanity as well as the relationG ship between naturalized human and humanized nature secures a theoretical and realistic basis for a proper treatment of the humanityGnature relationship,while Rolston’s environmental philosophy of the value of nature assures of a valG ue basis the logical relationship between man and nature, which is of great reference to solving the present ecological crisis and promoting the sustainable social development.%人是自然界的一部分,人性源自于自然,生成于自然生态系统。“天人合一”的思想、“大宇宙”与“小宇宙”的哲学观是人性与自然关系逻辑的思想基础,也为马克思关于人化自然、自然化人的关系理论和罗尔斯顿关于自然价值理论提供了思想来源。马克思关于人性的自然维度以及自然化人与人化自然的关系理论则为正确处理人性与自然关系提供了理论基础和现实依据。罗尔斯顿关于自然价值的环境哲学观点为人性与自然关系逻辑提供了价值考察的新视角。人性与自然之间的真实关系为当前解决生态危机和促进社会可持续发展提供了有益启发。



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