首页> 中文期刊>山东理工大学学报(社会科学版) >知其白守其黑:老庄道家思想的本真性




老子庄子向道而思返朴归真的本真性、反其道而行之知其白守其黑的辩证性、齐万物齐是非的相对性思想,在于显示一种无为无欲、大智若愚的超脱境界。这种超然世外的出世主义情怀可以使人们抛弃尘世物欲的诱惑,避免纷争与浮躁,过一种无欲、清净的生活。这对于受累于尘俗中茫然无助的人们有着很深的启示作用。%Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi' s authenticity of grasping the truth of Taoism and returning to innocence, dialectics of doing the opposite, knowing the white yet keeping the black, relativity of homogeneity of all things and homogeneity of the right and the wrong, lies in demonstrating detached state of inaction and no desire and wisdom as fools. The aloof outside world doctrine feelings can lead people to abandon temptation of the earth material desire, avoid disputes and being impetuous and keep quiet and no appetite lives. This has profound revelation effect on people who are dazed and helpless due to implicating secular lives.



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