首页> 中文期刊>山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) >数理统计在诗律研究中的应用--以庾信五言诗联内调四声情况为例*




The metrical features demonstrated by the poems of Yu Xin,a representative poet in the transi-tion from the poetry of the Southern and Northern Dynasties to that of the flourishing Tang Dynasty,are highly worthy of researches and bear paradigmatic significance. Through an exhaustive mathematical anal-ysis of the four-tone layout within the antithetical couplets in his five-word poems,a new method for the study on versification is provided by making use of the acknowledged mathematical statistics model and the critical standards to find out and re-examine his various means to lay out the four tones. On ob-serving the four-tone layout within the antithetical couplets of the whole piece of a poem of his,it is found that the fifth and tenth locations are the most significant ones for setting the four tones. And, through the analysis of the 53“un -metrical”poems it is inferred that the first line in rhyme,rhyme change,and the first line of the homeoteleuton stanza in rhyme,and the use of variant pronunciations of the polyphones to achieve its metrical aim are,too,included in the methods of laying out the different tones by Yu Xin and other poets in the Southern and Northern Dynasties.%庾信是南北朝诗歌向盛唐诗歌转型期的代表诗人,其诗歌表现出来的格律特征具有较高的研究价值和范型意义。通过对庾信五言诗联内调四声情况进行穷尽性的数理解析,运用公认的数理统计模型和临界标准发现和重新审视庾信调试声律的各种手段,为诗律研究提供一套新方法。从通篇调四声的角度观察庾信五言诗联内调四声情况发现,5&10位置是显著性最强的调四声位置。通过对这53首“不合律”五言诗的研究推断,庾信以及同时期的南北朝诗人调试格律的方式还包括首句入韵,转韵并使同韵脚段首句入韵,利用多音字的异读来实现其声律追求。



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