首页> 中文期刊>科技与法律 >数据的权利化困境与契约式规制




大数据时代背景下数据价值日益凸显,数据交易渐趋普遍,对数据赋权的主张多有显现.然而,数据客体特定性、独立性的缺失及主体分散化、多元化的杂糅使得数据财产权难以证成.再加上高昂的数据权利界定成本和数据权利化后面临的诸多窘况更加剧了数据权成行的难度.现实复杂的数据纠纷亟需法律的因应调适,既有数据利益亟待制度的稳定保障.在数据无法权利化的情形下,从事前“权利范式”规制转向事后“关系范式”调整,逐步构建起以契约式规制为核心、辅以代码技术调整和侵权责任法救济的数据纠纷化解路径,未尝不是一种可行选择.%In the background of big data era,data's value gradually emerges and data's transactions are more and more common.A lot of opinions advocate that data right should be legislated.However,the following factors are obstacles in data's right path.First,data are not specific and independent;Second,data'owners are way too decentralized and complicated;Third,defining the data's right will need expensive cost which may beyond its profits.Besides those,even given that data's right can be defined,it would not solve the emergent problems and will result in more severe problems.More and more data disputes are happening now,data's interest is in need of law's stable protection.In the condition of data not being a sort of legislative right,we could convert our annalistic method from the "beforehand form" to "afterwards form".In the new solution to solving data's problems,contractual regulation will be the core way with code technology and the tort law'cooperation.



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