首页> 中文期刊>广播电视大学学报 >全球经济低迷时期的选择:裁员还是降薪——基于效率工资理论的分析




During the period of the current global economic depression after the financial crisis, many companies face the pressure of laying off or reducing the salary in order to reduce operating costs. According to efficiency wage theory, the way of laying off can maintain a high level of wages, which can contribute to enhance the labour productivity; However, the efficiency wage theory has its limitations, that is, the staffs work hard is for the high wages. But According to Maslow~ hierarchy of needs, employees also need a stable sense of belonging and helping each other~ corporate culture. At that time, the way of reducing the salary instead of laying off to reduce the cost can make up for the weakness of efficiency wage theory. Due to two ways both have their own advantages and disadvantages for enterprise, the enterprise should choose one of the both choice based on the actual situation, or a combination of both.%在当前全球经济处于低迷的后金融危机时期,许多企业为了降低运营成本,面临着裁员或者降薪的压力。根据效率工资理论,企业通过裁员可以维持较高的工资水平,从而可以促进劳动效率的提升;但是,效率工资理论有其局限性,即认为员工仅为追求高工资而努力工作。根据马斯洛的需要层次理论,员工还需要稳定的归属感和同舟共济的企业文化。这时,适当地用降薪代替裁员的方式降低成本可以弥补效率工资理论的不足。由于裁员和降薪对企业的影响各有优劣,因此,企业宜根据实际情况选择裁员或者降薪,抑或是二者兼而有之。



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