首页> 中文期刊> 《青岛远洋船员职业学院学报》 >'船舶操纵与避碰'精品资源共享课程设计与开发研究




Course construction is the key link to improve teaching quality, and resource quality is one of the key factors to the sustainable development of quality resource sharing courses. In order to further enhance the efficiency of resource sharing and form a benign interaction between sharers and users, course design is carried out based on multiple combination teaching strategies. Logical development of curriculum resources is organized according to"granular resources, systematic design, structured curriculum"and "basic-single-comprehensive"based on post skills. The skill point is the backbone structured curriculum, and the construction of multi participation curriculum evaluation system. Through scientific and reasonable content selection and organization, based on the "online +offline"teaching mode to carry out curriculum design, formed with innovative curriculum development cases. Through the development and practice of "ship maneuver and collision prevention"for the major of navigation technology, the action-oriented teaching method can effectively improve the construction level of quality resources sharing courses, and is more conducive to students' learning efficiency.%课程建设是提高教学质量的核心环节.资源质量是精品资源共享课可持续发展的关键影响因素之一.为了进一步提升资源共享效率, 形成共享者和使用者的良性互动, 基于多元组合教学策略进行课程设计.按照"颗粒化资源、系统化设计、结构化课程"组织建构逻辑开发课程资源.基于岗位能力要求, 以"基本—单项—综合"技能点为骨干结构化课程, 构建多方参与的课程效果评价体系.通过科学合理的内容选取和组织, 基于"线上+线下"教学模式开展课程设计, 形成了具备创新性的课程开发案例.通过对航海技术专业"船舶操纵与避碰"课程的开发与实践, 证明此方法能够有效提升精品资源共享课程建设水平, 更加有利于学生提升学习效率.



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