首页> 中文期刊> 《青岛远洋船员职业学院学报》 >论英语比喻修辞格翻译方法及其翻译原则




In this essay,through the approach to the strategy and principle of translation of English figure of speech and by the analysis of connotation of both English and Chinese figure of speech,it is concluded that the good version must have the same language function and effect as the original language and that different expressions or phrases of figure of speech can be used as per different culture.During translation,it should be followed that only the close anastomosis between the version and the original language on the language style,figure of speech etc.is completely reflected in the version,can the cultural connotation,the language function as well as the perfection of the language perceive be realized.%对英语修辞格英译汉,要遵循修辞效能对等原则,文化差异原则等。巧妙翻译英语修辞格将使其再现于译文之中,实现译文的语言风韵和语言效能与原文紧密吻合,从而复现源语言修辞美与意境美及其语感效能和文化内涵。



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