首页> 中文期刊>体育学刊 >基于莫里斯符号学理论的满族传统体育文化解读




Manchu traditional sports culture is an important constituent part of Chinese traditional sports culture, but en-counters sports cultural symbol scattering confusion in the process of inheritance nowadays. Starting with Morris' semiotic theory, by applying the method of unlimited symbol meaning expansion, the authors interpreted the connotations of Man-chu traditional sports culture from such 3 aspects as morphology, semantics and pragmatics. Under morphology, the au-thors divided Manchu traditional sports cultural symbols into such 4 aspects as image symbols, indicative symbols, sym-bolic symbols and metaphoric symbols; under semantics, the authors divided Manchu traditional sports cultural symbols into such 3 aspects as image layer, scenario layer and imagery layer; under pragmatics, studying Manchu traditional sports cultural symbols will have a positive impact and effect on people and society in modern times.%满族传统体育文化是我国传统体育文化的重要组成部分,但在现今传承的过程中,却遇到了体育文化符号零散的困惑.以莫里斯符号学理论为切入点,运用符号无限衍义法,从语形学、语义学和语用学3个方面,对满族传统体育文化内涵进行解读.语形学下将满族传统体育文化符号分为图像性符号、指示性符号、象征性符号和隐喻性符号4个方面;语义学下将满族传统体育文化符号分为物象层、情象层和意象层3个方面;语用学下研究满族传统体育文化符号,在现代对人和社会有积极的影响和作用.



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