首页> 中文期刊>护理学报 >76名芦山地震伤员创伤后应激障碍情况调查分析




目的:了解2013年4月20日芦山地震后伤员创伤后应激障碍的发生情况,从而为灾难性事件后的心理支持提供依据。方法对76名在四川省某三甲医院骨科接受治疗的芦山地震伤员,采用自行设计的一般资料调查表和国内广泛应用的创伤后应激障碍自评量表进行调查,以了解地震后伤员创伤后应激障碍的发生情况。资料采用SPSS 18.0统计软件进行分析处理,用百分比进行统计描述,独立样本t检验进行统计推断。结果地震伤员的创伤后应激障碍得分为(44.22±17.92)分,创伤后应激障碍的发生率约29%,其中轻度占11%,中重度占18%。86%的伤员出现反复重现体验症状,67%的伤员出现警觉性增高症状,57%的伤员出现回避症状。结论芦山地震对伤员的心理产生了严重的负性影响,医务人员在进行救援的同时,应关注其心理创伤,促进其全面的康复。%Objective To investigate the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)of the wounded on April 20, 2013 in Lushan earthquake in order to guide the psychological aid after catastrophic events. Methods Seventy-six wounded patients in Lushan Earthquake were surveyed by a self-designed general information questionnaire, and post-traumatic stress disorder self-rating scale. The SPSS18.0 statistical software was applied for data analysis and processing, the proportion for statistical description and t-test for statistical inference. Results The score of PTSD of the wounded was 44.22±17.92 and 29%of the cases suffered PTSD, including mild level for 11%, and moderately severe level for 18%. Repeatedly re-experienced symptoms occurred among 86% of the wounded, increased alertness among 67% of the wounded and avoidance symptoms among 57% of the wounded. Conclusion Lushan earthquake had a greatly negative impact on the patients. Medical personnel should not only treat their physical trauma, but also focus on their psychological trauma, and promote their comprehensive rehabilitation.



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