首页> 中文期刊> 《西北林学院学报》 >五台山景区湿地植被的数量分类和排序




利用双向指示种分析方法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析方法(DCA)对五台山清水河湿地植被进行了数量分类和排序.结果表明:1)TWINSPAN将57个样方分为牡蒿群落、鹅观草群落、地榆+委陵菜群落、水蓼+东方蓼+薄荷群落、水蓼+酸模群落、北水苦荬+东方蓼群落.2)DCA第1轴主要反映了人为干扰程度因子;DCA第2轴主要反映了海拔因子.在DCA图中,湿地植被相应地沿对角线从旱中生的群落类型逐步向湿生群落过渡.3)TWINSPAN和DCA分析结果具有一致性,它们都客观地反映出人为干扰与湿地植被之间的生态关系.%Classification and ordination of wetland vegetation in the Qingshui River of Wutai Mountain were analyzed quantitatively by two-way indicator species analysis(TWINSPAN)and detrended correspondence analysis(DCA).1)TWINSPAN divided 57 samples into the communities of Artemisia japonica,Roegneria kamoji,Sanguisorba of ficinalis +Potentilla chinensis,Polygonum hydropiper +Polygorum orientale + Mentha haplocalyx,Polygonum hydropiper+Rumex acetosa,and Veronica anagallis-aquatica + Polygonum orientale.2)The first axis of DCA reflected the degree of human disturbance,and the second axis 2 represented elevation.Accordingly,wetland vegetation transited gradually from the xerocole or mesophytic community to the hygric community along the diagonal line in DCA.3)The results of TWINSPAN were consistent with those of DCA,and both were comparable.Both could show the ecological relationship between human disturbance and wetland vegetation objectively.



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