首页> 中文期刊>东北大学学报(社会科学版) >辽宁省研究生教育质量保障体系建设研究——以辽宁省研究生教育质量现状调研为基础




The quality assurance system for higher education of graduates comprises the external assurance provided by the governments and society and the internal assurance covering all the educational institutions for graduates. Main influencing factors in the assurance system on the educational quality include the latent knowledge/ability of graduate candidates, the tutors' competence to instruct graduate students and the quality control and conditions in fostering process. According to the survey made for the status quo of the educational quality assurance system for graduates in 6 provincial universities/colleges and by virtue of foreign experience in this respect, it is suggested that both the external and internal educational quality assurance systems for graduates should be built or perfected, in which the relevant governments, universities/colleges and independent appraisers shall participate.%研究生教育质量保障体系既包括来自国家与社会的外部保障,也涵盖各个研究生教育机构的内部保障.影响研究生教育质量保障体系建设的主要因素包括生源质量、师资队伍、培养过程的质量控制、培养条件等方面.依据辽宁省六所省属高校研究生教育质量保障体系建设的现状调查,借鉴国外研究生教育质量保障体系建设的经验,建议构建政府、高校和社会评价机构共同参与的有利于辽宁省研究生教育发展的内外部教育质量保障体系.



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