首页> 中文期刊>宁波大学学报(人文科学版) >民国宁波籍编辑家群体的文化贡献与文化精神




宁波港开埠较早,伴随着“西风东渐”,宁波地域文化基因使得宁波籍文化人在民国这个特定历史时期,兴办报刊、经营书业,传播新思想、新文化,涌现出一批编辑家:出版奇才张静庐、技术改良之父鲍咸昌、乡贤文献刊刻者张寿镛、诗人出版家邵洵美、为民众喉舌报人金臻庠,等。他们敢为天下先的文化创新精神、见利思义的文化自觉与责任担当以及救亡图存的爱国情怀,给当代出版人以启迪。%With the earlier release of Ningbo harbor and the introduction of western knowledge into China, Ningbo‘s cultural traditions facilitated many educated persons to create newspapers and run book stores for communicating the new thoughts and cultures. Meanwhile, a group of publishers and editors came into the fore in that specific historical period, such as Jinglu Zhang, a publishing genius, Xianchang Bao, the father of technological advancing, Shouyong Zhang, an inscriber of local literature, Xunmei Shao, a poet and publisher, Zhengxiang Jin, a newspaper baron, to name just a few. And their modern counterparts are inspired by their pioneering spirits and cultural innovative awareness, their high cultural consciousness and responsibility sense, as well as their patriotic feelings of saving the country survival.



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