首页> 中文期刊>国家教育行政学院学报 >从大学培养人才的历史脉络看中国大学的育人使命




The vitality of the university in cultivating new generations talents is the eternal theme of the university development. The histories of the Western and China's universities' education show that to promote the comprehensive development and to meet the needs of social development are the objects of the western and Chinese university education. Under the law of higher education, inculcating the citizens with the sense of responsibility and the spirit of active participation in social advancement are what the era requires China's universities education. China's universities should continue to enhance the students'“three qualities”, “four capabilities” and to help them achieve the “five combinations” of the quality and capabilities.%大学的活力就在于培育新人是大学发展的永恒主题。人才培养的发展历史脉络展示了促进人的全面发展和适应社会发展的需要是西方大学人才培养的主旨,中国大学人才培养是以培养具有社会担当意识的新人为旨归。遵循高等教育规律,培养社会主义社会具有责任感的公民和进步事业的积极参与者是时代赋予当今中国大学人才培养的神圣使命。中国大学应不断地提升学生的“三项素质”、培养学生的“四大能力”,并实现素质与能力的“五个结合”。



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