首页> 中文期刊> 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 >“作者”观念的起源与变迁




作者理论是西方思想中最复杂的话题之一。“诗人们”在希腊文中就是“作者们”或“创造者们”,但是到了柏拉图时期,作者观念发生了转变,作者要想创作,就必须丧失理智,成为神意的代言人。文艺复兴之后作者中心论逐步确立,人取代了神成为创造性主体。十九世纪之后出现了许多“去作者”观念,到了二十世纪六十年代到达最高峰,其最重要的代表是巴特、福柯和德里达,但这些观念的作者本身就有着鲜明的作者主体性。作者是创作活动中的一个环节,既不能夸大其作用,也不应完全将其抹杀。%The concept of the author is one of the most complicated topics in the west. The concept of “poets” in Greek refers to “authors” or “creators”. But in Plato’s time, there was a shift that the author must lose his mind and became the agent of a god if he wanted to write. After renaissance, while man established his status as a creative sub-ject, the concept of author came into being. After the 19th century, a lot of scholars called for de-authorization, which was represented by Bart, Foucault and Derrida. However, we believe that the author is a significant part of literal creation and should be treated fairly and deservingly.



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