


洛克的财产权思想影响深远,奠定了整个近代西方资产阶级财产权理论的基础,是此后西方财产权理论的源头。他的财产思想大致可以分为三部分:提出财产来源于人们的劳动;提出了财产权取得的限制原则,具体包括顾及他人原则、物尽其用原则和劳动应该是有效的原则;论述了财产权的保护问题,要求立法和执法自我限制,不得侵犯私人财产权。洛克的财产权思想具有重要的理论贡献和时代意义,他通过劳动的价值论证了私有财产的合理性,并把财产权和自由结合在一起,强调财产权的保护,开创了自由主义的先河。洛克经验的立场也使他的财产权思想具有一定的局限性,具体有:对人类原初状态的设想不符合事实;设置的劳动取得限制原则也不尽有效;由于没有对劳动的本质进行追问,导致他的劳动价值论思想中暗含着矛盾。%Locke's property right thought is profound, which has laid a foundation for the modern western bourgeois property right, and it is the source of later western property right theory. His property thought can be divided into three parts: firstly, he proposed the property from the labor of people~ secondly, he put forward restriction principles to obtain property right, including the following: other's need, full use of property and labor being of benefits finally, he discussed the property rights protection, namely, the legislation and enforcement shall be self-limiting on private property rights. Locke's property rights thought has important significances: he proved the rationality of private property through the value of la- bor, combined the property rights and the freedom, and emphasized the property rights protection, thus creating a precedent for liberalism. Of course, Locke's empiricism position created certain limitations for his property thought: his vision of the original state of human is inconsistent with the facts, the restriction principle which he set is also not so effective, and the essence of labor has not been questioned. All these led to implied contradictions in his theory of labor value.



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