首页> 中文期刊>南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版) >坚持创新驱动 促进人才培养质量提升——南京航空航天大学本科教学改革的实践成效及人才培养思路

坚持创新驱动 促进人才培养质量提升——南京航空航天大学本科教学改革的实践成效及人才培养思路



为提升人才培养质量,南京航空航天大学近年来坚持以创新为驱动,通过培养方案、课程体系、培养模式、教研活动、实践教学平台、教学管理机制和开放办学战略等方面,积极探索创新人才培养的有效途径,取得了显著成绩。面对新形势,学校人才培养的新思路表现为:坚持统筹兼顾,切实把握本科教学改革创新的发展方向;坚持教学改革,持续推进研究型大学创新人才培养的体系建设;坚持人才强校,整体构建师资队伍教学能力发展的长效机制;坚持与时俱进,全面提高实践能力和创新能力培养的特色水平;坚持求真务实,努力打造服务基层和服务师生发展的优质品牌;坚持开放办学,切实提升国际合作教育和学生交流的发展水平。%To elevate the quality of talent development, in recent years Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics adheres to innovation-driven strategy, explores effective channels of development innova- tive talents, and has made remarkable achievements by reforming its development plans, curriculum sys- tem, development patterns of talents, teaching and research activities, practical teaching platform, and open management philosophy. Facing the new situations, NUAA adopts the following new thoughts: sticking to the innovative development direction of undergraduate teaching reform with overall plans and systematic considerations; promoting continuously the construction of the system of developing innovative talents in a research university by teaching reform; constructing an overall long-term effective mechanism of developing faculty's teaching competence by stressing talent's performance; molding a quality brand of serving the basic level and the development of faculty and students with a realistie attitude; raising the de- velopment level of international eooperative education and students' communication with an open management principle.



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