首页> 中文期刊>南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版) >环境制度的伦理困境与环境伦理的制度困境--兼论新《环境保护法》




The essence of environment legislation is to transform some thoughts of environmental ethics to operable institutions or laws concerned with environment protection. But there are two dilemmas. The first is ethical dilemma of environmental institutions. The existing anthropocentric and non⁃anthropocentric environmental ethics cannot provide legitimacy for environmental institution or environmental legislation. The second is institutional dilemma of environmental ethics. The existing environmental ethic cannot be transformed to operable institutions or laws easily. The New Environment Protection Law still fails to overcome the two dilemmas, but it achieves some important breakthroughs at both levels of conception and operation. At the conception level, the New Environment Protection Law introduces and upholds the idea of ecological civilization. Different from non⁃anthropocentrism which denies subjective value of human and priority of human over nature and other species, and also different from the strong⁃type anthropocentrism which only sees nature and other species as pure economic resources, the concept of“ecological civilization”is a weak⁃type anthropocentrism which insists on human��s value priority over nature and other species and absorbs some ideas and principles of non⁃anthropocentrism. At the level of operation, the New Environment Protection Law clarifies environmental rights and liabilities and is more explicit in environmental rights and liabilities and harsher in environmental damage activities punishment. But there exist some deficiencies in the New Environment Protection Law, such as the lack of potency levels, detailed regulations and unstressed environment rights awareness.%环境立法的实质是将一定的环境伦理思想转化为环境保护方面的具有可操作性的制度或法规,但它面临着两方面的困境:一是现有的人类中心主义环境伦理和非人类中心主义环境伦理,都不足以为真正以环境保护为旨归的环境制度或环境立法提供合法性支撑,即环境制度的伦理困境;二是难以将现有的环境伦理转化为可操作性强的环境制度或环境立法,即环境伦理的制度困境。新环保法尽管仍然未能完全克服上述两个方面的困境,但在立法理念层面和具体操作层面都有重大的突破和较大改进。新环保法在立法理念层面的重大突破是将生态文明理念引入其中。不同于否定人类相对于自然及其他物种的价值主体和价值优先地位的非人类中心主义,也不同于将自然环境看作纯粹功利性经济资源的强式人类中心主义,生态文明是一种弱式的人类中心主义,它既坚持了人类相对于自然及其他物种的价值主体和价值优先地位,同时又吸收和借鉴了非人类中心主义的某些理念和原则,将自然及其他物种纳入了人类的伦理关怀之中。新环保法在具体操作层面的改进,体现在对环境权责的进一步明确与规范,对环境侵害行为更细致、具体的规定以及其环境侵害行为更严厉的处罚。但新环保法也存在一些不足,如效力等级不够、配套细则不足、环境权益意识不突出等。



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