首页> 中文期刊> 《军事体育进修学院学报》 >从翻译的角度论军事体育外训教学中的语言运用




‘Instructors+Interpreters’ is the commonly used class teaching model to teach theforeign students in the field of military sports and the teaching langages are Chinese+foreign languages.This article discusses the application of the teaching languages In the foreign training classes of military sports.The author holds the view that the use of foreign languages in the class should be guided by the purposes of different classes under the big political and cultural enviroment,therefore the instructors and interpreters should reach an agreement that sometimes the interpreters should have the priority of adjusting the expression of the class languages in terms of their use context and situations.This article also puts forward the languages integration plan for foreign training classes in the field of military sports.%现阶段军事体育外训课堂教学在师资上是以"教员+译员"的模式进行,教学语言是以"中文+外语"的形式出现。通过从翻译学的角度来探讨在外训军事体育教学中的教学语言的应用,认为军事体育教学语言的表达和应用应该受政治、文化大环境和设置该门课的目的所指导,教员和译员应该对所用教学语言达成默契和共识,译员在特定情况下可对教学语言进行调和。最后提出了该方向对外教学语言的整合方案。



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