首页> 中文期刊> 《绵阳师范学院学报》 >比较文学视域下的哈代小说中国经典化研究




哈代小说在中国的研究者众多,涉及其经典化的论文多从译介角度出发,系统分析较少。比较文学媒介学可以为哈代小说经典化研究提供系统分析的视角。本研究指出在当代语境下,梵第根提出的个人团体、批评和译本与翻译者媒介学要素需结合中国具体发展情况进行整合,并加入学界关注较少的高校教育和影视改编的因素才能使读者有整体认识。研究也讨论了各种媒介的发展趋势和存在的问题。%Thomas Hardy′s novels have attracted plenty of attention in China and the studies about their canoni-zation are mainly on translation rather than a systemic analysis. The media studies of comparative literature provide the systemic analysis of the canonization of Thomas Hardy′s novels in China with a guide. Considering the specific development situation in China,Paul Van Tieghem′s model of media studies,that is person and group,criticism as well as translations and translators,should be blended with the effect exerted by education system as well as film and television adaptations so as to give readers a clear and overall picture of canonization,and the trend of its de-velopment as well as the problems.



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