首页> 中文期刊>海交史研究 >随着伊本·白图泰的足迹 游历中世纪的非洲、欧洲和亚洲——评李光斌翻译的《异境奇观——伊本·白图泰游记》

随着伊本·白图泰的足迹 游历中世纪的非洲、欧洲和亚洲——评李光斌翻译的《异境奇观——伊本·白图泰游记》



Ibn Battuta was a famous traveller in the ldth century. He started out from Moroc- co, and travelled through Algeri, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syrian and Mecca where he performed his pilgrimage. Later he continued his journey to other countries in East Afri- ca, India, Southeast Asia and China, etc.. Among all the Chinese translations of the book The Travels of Ibn Battuta, the one translated by Mr. Li Guangbin is most com- plete. Mr. Li Guangbin's translation is accurate and elegant, and he provides detailed notes, showing that he had spent much effort in textual research.%伊本·白图泰是14世纪著名的旅行家,他从摩洛哥出发,穿过阿尔及利亚、突尼斯、利比亚、埃及、叙利亚到麦加完成第一次朝觐。后来他又到过东非各国、印度、东南亚国家和中国等。李光斌老先生翻译的《异境奇观——伊本·白图泰游记》是目前最完整的全译本,当我阅读此书时,好象是跟随伊本·白图泰游历中世纪的非洲、欧洲和亚洲。李光斌老先生不仅翻译准确,达到了“信”、“达”、“雅”的境界,而且注释详尽,在考据学上也颇有作为。



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