首页> 中文期刊> 《磁性材料及器件》 >基于宾汉模型的磁流变液联轴器工作转矩预测




This paper studies the transmission torque characteristics of a rotary drum magneto-rheological coupler. Based on the Bingham model of magneto-rheological damper, a new Bingham model for predicting the transmission torque of magneto-rheological coupler is proposed, and in this new model, the rotational speed ratio of the inner and outer drum of the coupler is used as the input parameter. In this paper, the exponential model is used to compute the Coulomb damping torque and the experimental results indicate that, when the coil current remains constant, the curves between the transmission torque and rotational speed ration are nearly the same as the load increases and decreases, and there is no hysteresis in the curves. For speed ratio of less than 1.3, the torque increases greatly, and for speed ratio of higher than 1.3, it increases much slowly. The proposed Bingham model can correctly predict the transmission torque of magneto-rheological coupler.%针对一种旋转圆筒式磁流变液联轴器,提出了用于预测磁流变液联轴器工作转矩的修正宾汉模型.在该宾汉模型中采用磁流变液联轴器主动转筒和从动转筒之间的转速比 n 作为宾汉模型的输入参数,并采用指数模型描述磁致库仑阻尼力矩.实验结果表明,当线圈电流恒定时,在负载由小-大-小变化过程中,不同初始转速下的转矩-转速比曲线基本重合,且在负载正向增大和反向减小过程中,磁流变液联轴器工作转矩变化曲线基本重合,未形成滞环.当转速比较小(n<1.3)时,磁流变液工作转矩随负载增大急剧增大;当转速比较大时(n>1.3),工作转矩随负载增大增速减缓,其变化曲线斜率均为0.05,整个转矩-转速比变化曲线与磁流变液联轴器宾汉模型完全吻合,利用磁流变液联轴器力矩宾汉模型可以预测和确定其工作转矩.



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