首页> 中文期刊> 《龙岩学院学报》 >闽台客家工艺文化创意产业的开发合作研究




闽台客家传统工艺美术有着不可分割的历史渊源关系,其种类丰富,相关技艺精湛多元,经历时代环境的变迁,两岸客家工艺产业发展也各具特色。台湾客家工艺凭借突出的创意优势正成为知识经济时代的特色产业,而福建地区则具有丰富的客家文化资源、物产资源及广阔的市场空间。随着海峡两岸关系的不断发展,闽台两地应充分利用自身的地缘与人文优势,把握历史契机,将客家工艺产业进行合作与对接,从而实现优势互补,互惠共赢。%The Hakka traditional arts and crafts between Fujian and Taiwan are indivisible in origin, whose species are rich. As time changes, the Hakka craft industry across the Strait have develop their own characteristics. The Hakka crafts in Taiwan have become the characteristic industry in the era of knowledge economy due to their outstanding creativity, while the ones in west Fujian have rich Hakka culture resources and broad market space. With the continuous development of relations across the Taiwan Straits, Fujian and Taiwan should make full use of their own geographical and cultural advantages and make the Hakka craft industry cooperation and docking, in order to achieve complementary advantages, mutual benefit and win-win situations.



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