首页> 中文期刊>辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >马克思辩证法方法论的理论来源及其运用——基于哲学辩证方法对科学方法的超越视角




在辩证思维看来,以知性思维为基础的科学方法分为分析方法和综合方法,但二者均存在着自身无法克服的理论局限.辩证方法从根本上克服了科学方法的知性缺陷,从而使哲学成为揭示事物客观内容的真理逻辑.黑格尔在其思辨哲学体系中确立了"既分析又综合"的辩证法方法论原则,马克思反对黑格尔作为本体论的辩证法,但在方法论上却秉承了辩证法的方法论.唯物史观和《资本论》都是马克思成功运用辩证法方法论的"典范".%From the view of dialectical thinking, the scientific method based on intellectual thinking can be divided into analytical method and comprehensive method, but both of them have their own theoretical limitations that cannot be overcome. Dialectical method fundamentally overcomes the intellectual defect of scientific method and makes philosophy become the logic of truth to reveal the objective content of things. In his speculative philosophy system, Hagel establishes the methodological principle of dialectics which is both analytical and comprehensive. Marx opposes Hagel's Dialectics of ontology, but he adheres to dialectics in methodology. Historical materialism and Capital are the models of Marx's successful application of dialectical methodology.



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