首页> 中文期刊>辽宁高职学报 >高职专门用途英语特色教学创新初探




A s one m ain course of higher vocational education, public English shoulders the task of cultivating com prehensive talents of "m ajor and professional English". R ecently the teaching of ESP has becom e the highlight of teaching reform in college English. It accords to the tw elfth five-year vocational education plan for the orientation of English educational occupation in our country. H igher vocational English teaching should innovate in traditional teaching m ode w ith w ork-study com bination. It should pay attention to students' occupational English advantage and the connection of cross-cultural com m unication com petence and em ploym ent m arket. It sets up ESP to m ake featured teaching for increasing students' English applicable ability.%  公共英语作为高职教育的一门主要课程,担负着培养“专业+专业英语”复合型人才的任务。近年来专门用途英语教学成为大学英语教学改革的亮点,它符合我国“十二五”职业教育规划对英语教育职业化的定位。高职英语教学要创新传统教学模式,工学结合,注重学生的职业英语优势和跨文化交际能力与就业市场的对接,开设专门用途英语进行特色教学,提高学生的英语应用能力。



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