


张恨水小说《夜深沉》中的杨月容是典型的女伶悲剧形象.残酷的生存环境在把她推向人生炼狱的同时,铸就了她抗争的秉性.但抗争结果却没有摆脱沦为有闲阶级享乐工具的命运.从卖唱维生的大杂院大众情人到供有闲阶级享用的剧院明星,再到觉醒后毅然逃出堕落围城回到民间重操旧业以糊口,她像在沉沉黑夜里走了一个"鬼打墙"的怪圈.这是一个不以抗争者意志为转移的命运怪圈.杨月容最终没有走出这个怪圈,却以抗争失败后的反思与觉醒实证了女伶悲剧人生的社会必然性.%Yunerong yang is a typical figure of an actress with a terrible tragedy. While pushing her to the purgatory of life ,the cruel environment of low life and show business aldhts.However, these fights fail to low life and show business also forced her to fight for her rights. However, these fights fail to help her escape the fate of becoming a toy for the wealtny.She started out as a street-singer in a mixed neighborhood and made her way to become a movie star caused her to be a street-singer, making her life seem like a circular maze. This strange twist of fate is not affected by a person's willingness to fight. Sadly, yang was not able to escape this painful lfate. Her reflections on the results of these fruitless fights helped prove the inevitable downfall of actresses in this soeiety.



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