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Orbicular destiny board for study destiny analysis judgment



Topic To understand study destiny analysis in order to make easy, the orbicular destiny board for study destiny analysis judgment is offered.SolutionsYears 5,3, direction 1, with blank 4 in circle layout, it tried the sexagenary cycle 2 to be able to turn respectively to independence (1) in the destiny board in order to make judging the appraiser, demonstrating the judgment contents to the judgment client and understanding of the judgment client easy, rendered, (2) the origin of the human 12 types (you call below inn star.)Replacing, as the origin of the respective inn star destiny of the human who is born, you analyze 12 years, as 1 lap it fits the word of 12 of fixed sequence one year in one of that 12 years and it renders fits the word description above 12 in each inn star respective cycle of 12, years, renders the relation of direction and the sexagenary cycle, destiny as destiny cycle, it is recorded to record media in order to analyze. Choice figure Drawing 1
机译:<主题>为了使学习目的分析更容易,提供了用于学习目的分析的圆形命运板。解决方案5,3年,方向1,圆圈中有空白4,它尝试了天生周期2 (1)在命运委员会中分别寻求独立,以便使鉴定人做出判断,向判决委托人展示判决内容并易于理解判决委托人,(2)人的十二种类型的起源替换为出生的人类各自的旅馆之星命运的起源,您需要分析12年,因为1圈适合该12年中的某一年的固定顺序12的单词,并且它使每个旅馆星星的周期分别为12年以上,适合单词描述12个以上,并将方向与天性周期,命运作为命运周期的关系进行记录,并记录下来以记录媒体以进行分析。 1个



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