首页> 中文期刊>廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版) >深入诠释燕赵文化之佳作——评《任侠与节义:燕赵文化研究》




The research results of Yanzhao culture are rich. However, these studies place undue emphasis on the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the contemporary historical research. Instead, they despise the study of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and make the whole study of the Yanzhao culture flawed. The book Renxia and Rectitude: Research on Yanzhao Culture not only made up for the lack of the overall study of the Yanzhao culture, but also analyzed the meaning of Xia, suggesting that the meaning of righteousness is the view gradually given by later generations. It explained the characteristics of Yanzhao culture in various historical periods, with maps showing the spatial distribution characteristics of Yanzhao culture.%燕赵文化研究成果丰富,但是存在着重秦汉、隋唐和当代,轻明清时期研究的问题,使燕赵文化的整体性研究存在缺憾.《任侠与节义:燕赵文化研究》一书不仅弥补了燕赵文化整体性研究不足的缺憾,而且还对"侠"的含义进行解析,提出了"侠"的正义之意是后世逐渐赋予的观点,并阐释了各个历史时期燕赵文化的特征,运用地图展现了燕赵文化的空间分布特征.



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