首页> 中文期刊>廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版) >奠疆域、示无外:明初海外山川封祀考述




明代的山川祭祀虽以祭祀境内山川为主,但已首次将外夷山川列入国家祀典.明朝初年的海外山川封祀集中在洪武、永乐两朝.洪武时期不仅在京师或各省附祭海外山川,而且遣使高丽、安南、占城,亲临其境,祀其山川.永乐时期一再发生的海外镇山封祀行为,则将此活动推向高潮.明初不断进行的海外山川封祀活动,不仅向海外诸国宣示明朝统治的正统性与合法性,维护并巩固中国主导的天下秩序,而且还有为各国祈福禳灾、保护诸国利益的现实考量.从今天之国家关系理念审视,它虽有其历史局限性,但其间昭示的和谐外交理念在一定程度上对当今仍有借鉴意义.%The worship of landscapes in Ming Dynasty was mainly sacrificed to domestic mountains and rivers, but it also includes some overseas landscapes for the first time in history. In early Ming Dynasty, most of the worship activities towards overseas landscapes are carried out during the Reign of Hongwu Emperor and Yongle Emperor. During the reign of Hongwu Emperor, the center court not only worshipped overseas landscapes in capital city and domestic provinces, but also sent special envoys to neighboring countries to worship landscapes, such as Goryeo, Vietnam, and Champa The consistent worship activities towards overseas landscapes during the reign of Yongle Emperor made this kind of activities reached its climax. The continuous activities of worshiping mountains and rivers overseas during the early Ming Dynasty not only declared the legitimacy and legitimacy of the Ming Dynasty's rule to overseas countries, but also safeguarded and consolidated China's dominant world order, as well as praying for the benefit of countries and protecting the interests of all countries. Practical considerations, the harmonious diplomacy that has been demonstrated during this period still have implications for reference..



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