首页> 中文期刊> 《昆明冶金高等专科学校学报》 >日本军国主义形成的诸要素研讨




Militarism is a basic national extremism strategy originated in Japan,characterized by exhaust-ing all resources to engage in military aggression.Based on the history,this paper analyses that Japanese militarism could be traced back to Bushido,which appeared basically owing to its special geographical condition and emerged because of the force aggression into Japan by western countries before and after 1853.Besides,the Meiji restoration paved the way for its militarism and further Sino-Japanese Jiawu War became the key factor for the militarism to take shape.Asian people suffered a lot from the Japanese mili-tarism.For preventing it from resurgence,two points should be pointed out:first,other Asian countries should take priority of Japan in their General National Power;second,the Japanese right-wing-force should be given a heavy blow.Only by this,can the nation of Japan go back to the real world and a peace world in the Asian-Pacific region be opened up.%军国主义是产生于日本的一种极端主义的国家基本方略,其根本特征是主张穷兵黩武、对外实行侵略扩张政策。对军国主义的了解和深入研究有助于有效防止军国主义死灰复燃。结合日本军国主义产生前后的历史,分析得出其产生的历史渊源为日本武士道,产生的现实基础为日本特殊的自然地理条件,产生的社会历史萌芽是日本在1853年前后被西方列强的武力侵略,在上述要素下,日本的明治维新为其军国主义的形成铺平了道路,进而使得甲午战争成为了日本军国主义形成的关键节点。日本的军国主义给亚洲人民带来了巨大的灾难,为防止其沉滓泛起,应把握两点:一是在综合国力竞争中须保持对日本的优势地位,二是对于日本右翼势力的挑衅应迎头痛击。只有彻底消除日本军国主义的生存基础,才能帮助日本民族返回真实的现实世界,进而开创亚太地区的和平局面。



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