首页> 中文期刊> 《吉首大学学报(自然科学版)》 >同伴教育对留守儿童身体形态及其机能的影响




通过测定同伴教育前后留守儿童身体形态、机能相关生理指标的数据变化,分析同伴教育对机体产生的影响.选取湘西土家族苗族自治州解放岩乡解放岩学校留守儿童(200人)为研究对象,将其随机分为试验组(100人)和对照组(100人),试验组进行为期6个月的同伴教育加常规教育,对照组只进行常规教育.研究结果表明,6个月后,试验组留守儿童的血压变化不明显,身高和体重虽然没有差异,但是都有增长趋势;这说明与身体的自然发育成熟比较,同伴教育对身高和体重干预的效果甚微;试验组的肺活量和胸围明显高于对照组(P >0.05).在同伴教育干预下,留守儿童坚持科学、规律、长期的体育锻炼能增大肺活量,提高肺的通气机能.%The impacts of peer education on the left-behind children's physique and physical fitness through tracking the changes of related physiological indexes before and after the intervention of peer ed-ucation.A comparative study was made on a cohort of 200 left-behind children at Jiefangyan School in Jiefangyan town,Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture.A 100-person experimental group and a 100-person control group were stochastically selected for the six-month study,where the former was provided with peer education plus regular education but the latter was provided only with regular educa-tion.The results showed little variation in the index of blood pressure,and no difference in height and weight in the two groups,which indicates that peer education has no more intervention than natural ma-turity in the children's growth of height and weight.But,indexes of vital capacity and chest circumference of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group (P >0.05).It can be concluded that with the intervention of peer education,the left-behind children can increase the lung ca-pacity,and improve the pulmonary ventilation function through long-term regular scientific physical ex-ercise.



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