首页> 中文期刊>济宁学院学报 >论吉恩·凯利在歌舞片《一个美国人在巴黎》中的表演特色




歌舞片作为美国好莱坞乃至世界范围内规模甚大的类型电影之一,走过了路途坦荡的三四十年代的辉煌历程,到了五六十年代国际政坛风起云涌,艺术领域也颇具变幻,这其中诞生了一位歌舞类型片的旷世奇才——吉恩·凯利,他舞蹈节奏把握精准、现场表情动作细腻、内心情感释放得当、角色把控有稳有条。这部摄制于上世纪50年代的《一个美国人在巴黎》,吉恩·凯利运用自身的表演特色不但为自身荣得奥斯卡的光辉,且将当年美国歌舞片的制作水准与表意功力提升到了一个崭新的高度。%Dance piece is one of the very large-scale type of film of Hollywood in the United States and around the world .It has thirty or forty years glorious course, until 1950 and 1960 international political arena had changed, art has also changed. It has a great genre-Gene Kelly, he can grasp dance rhythms precise, live emotes delicate, inner emotional release properly, control the role very good. In this shoot at 1950 s film, “an American in Paris”, Gene Kelly used its own performance characteristics not only for their own glory of the Oscar, and then the musical quality of the production and will expression capability to a new height.



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