首页> 中文期刊>江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >论西周策命制度与《尚书》文体的生成




伴随着"制礼作乐"的过程,周人的修辞技能和文体意识都不断提高,尤其是周代重要政治制度之一策命制度的建立和完善,使书面形式的"策命"代替了口头形式的"命",促成了具有清晰文体特征的策命文书的形成。这种专门应用于特定策命典礼场合的政治性文书使灵活易变的口头文体固定化,由于经常性地撰制和发布,逐渐形成了形式严谨、体制固定、内容明确、词语古奥、语言高度雅化和程式化、风格庄严肃穆的文体特征,《周书》诸诰便是在这种策命文书的基础上经过加工改造后形成的。这种"命体"的策命文书体现了原初形态"书"篇的文体模式,决定了《尚书》诰命篇章的文体特征,对后世众多散文文体,尤其是官方应用性文体产生了重大影响。%With the process of ritual and musical practice, Zhou' s rhetorical skills and stylistic awareness has been improved continuously. The establishment and perfection of Zhou' s political sys- tem, especially the system of appointment--one of the important policies of the Western Zhou Dynas- ty, caused the written form to replace the oral form, and the form of appointment documents got its clear stylistic features. These documents are specifically applied to specific situations, making the flexible oral style fixed. As they are regularly published, these documents gradually formed a kind of strict style, with explicit content, tightly organized structure, rigorous words, graceful language, solemn and grave style. Zhou Shu is processed and revised on the basis of this kind of documents. These documents reflect the original form of Shang Shu, determines the literary style of Shang Shu, and has a significant impact and influence upon many kinds of essays of later times, particularly the applica- tion of the official documents.



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